What We Do
JOHNAN Corporation has decided to evolve the business model of the entire JOHNAN Group from “ODM (contract development) and EMS (contract manufacturing)” to “Monozukuri platform” in consideration of our vision “JOHNAN VISION 2050” from April 1, 2023.
As one of the key functions of the Monozukuri platform, we will accelerate the enhancement of ODM and EMS functions, but a notable direction of evolution is the strengthening of the venue for providing diverse and outstanding monodukuri services.
In this platform, a monozukuri process for a product will be based on the extensive involvement of the client who will use the product. In other words, this business model will allow clients to work with us on monozukuri, providing the products with the value of "Made with Johnan"-neither "Made in Japan" nor "Made by XXXCo., Ltd"
In addition to further strengthening our ODM and EMS functions, we will contribute to the realization of our vision and to a society that embraces the SDGs as a “Monozukuri platform company” that supports the social implementation of innovation, assists in repair and maintenance, and provides equipment to support manufacturing.

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