CSER Activities
At the UN Summit held in September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted as part of the 2030 Agenda. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets for achieving a sustainable society, and the Agenda includes a pledge to leave no one behind. Japan is expected to put forth a wide variety of policies to make its own contribution to fulfilling the SDGs. Meanwhile, the nation is envisioning its future with the concept of Society 5.0.
In response to these circumstances, the JOHNAN Group has been focusing on “Creating Growth Markets, Revitalizing Rural Areas, and Promoting Technological Innovation,” one of the eight priority areas set by Japan’s SDGs Promotion Headquarters in December 2018.
In addition to further strengthening our ODM and EMS functions, we will contribute to a society that embraces the SDGs as a “manufacturing platform company” that supports the social implementation of innovations, assists with repairs and maintenance, and provides equipment to support manufacturing.
Contribution to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
●Creation of growth markets ●Regional revitalization ●Science and technology innovation
![2 Zero Hunger 8 Decent work and economic growth 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure 11 Sustainable cities and communities](/assets/johnan/img/en/cser/en043.jpg)
Contribution to the Environment
Contribution to Society
![Contribution to Society JOHNAN](/assets/johnan/img/en/cser/en023.jpg)
The JOHNAN Group will work to solve social issues by building good relationships with stakeholders.
- Graduate School of Management Kyoto University Endowed Chairs (Philosophical Entrepreneurship Studies)
- Support for para sport athletes
- Illuminations
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